
CFP | Pelion Summer Lab 2023 “Eco/o/ontologies”

March 10, 2023
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This summer will take place the 5th Pelion Summer Lab for Cultural Theory and Experimental Humanities (PSL), an initiative of the Laboratory of Social Anthropology of the University of Thessaly, with the support of the Experimental Humanities Collaborative Network (EHCN). 

PhD Candidate Shreya Bhat publishes ethnographic work on Nigerian migrant women returning from Libya

March 6, 2023
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PhD Candidate at our Department Shreya Bhat published the chapter "Fooled by a Mirage: Nigerian migrant women's 'voluntary' return from Libya and the IOM" in the book The Gender of Borders. Embodied Narratives of Migration, Violence and Agency. 

Review of the recent special issue on gender and illiberalism co-edited by Prof. Andrea Pető

February 24, 2023
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Ivan Tranfi reviews in RevDem the recent special issue on gender and illiberalism edited by Matthijs Bogaards and Andrea Pető, experts in de-democratization and gender studies from Central European University:

Webinar "Memory Politics and Illiberal Turns in Central and Eastern Europe" with the participation of Prof. Andrea Pető

February 17, 2023
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Over the past few decades, Central and Eastern Europe has become a battleground for different and frequently conflicting interpretations of the past. Historical events of the 20th century, including WWII, the Holocaust, and the Nazi and Communist regimes, are remembered very differently across the region, sometimes resulting in memory wars within and between states. What is more, memory politics has been often used for justifying illiberal turns.

New publication: Prof. em. Francisca de Haan just published a Handbook of Communist Women Activists around the World (Palgrave MacMillan)

January 27, 2023
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This 700-page Handbook addresses the role of women in communism as a global, social and political movement for the first time, exploring their lives, forms of activism, political strategies and transnational networks. Comprising twenty-five chapters, based on new and primary research, the book presents the lives of self-identified communist women from a truly international perspective and outlines their struggles against fascism and colonialism, and for women’s emancipation and national liberation.