Department Spotlights

GS MA students publish in The Loop, ECPR's political science blog

As a result of the CIVICA joint master’s course on Gendering Illiberalism, GS MA students Marzia Saramad and Clémentine Punti publish in ECPR's political science blog, The Loop. Take a look here! 

Students of the “Gender in/and War” course visit the Museum of Military History

As part of the student week in the "Gender in/and War" course taught by Visiting Professor Adriana Qubaiova, students organized a visit to the Museum of Military History. The visit included a guided tour on the topic of women in the military. Students learnt about key women figures in Austria’s history, from political leaders to soldiers.

Statement Against the Escalation of Violence on Gaza

This Statement is signed by individual faculty members acting on their own volition; it does not reflect the position of the Gender Studies Department, nor of CEU.
Monday, October 23, 2023

Meet our Alumnus: Slaven Crnić

Slaven Crnić

Slaven Crnić is a postdoctoral researcher in the ERC project “REVENANT—Revivals of Empire: Nostalgia, Amnesia, Tribulation” (Grant agreement No. 101002908) at the Department of Cultural Studies, University of Rijeka. As part of “REVENANT”, his current research aims to explore the construction, contestation, and revival of (post)imperial places in Yugoslav travel writing. His project focuses on representations of places – such as capitals, ports, and vacation resorts – that once held utmost importance for imperial politics, commerce, and self-image.

Congratulations to the GENS recipients of the 2024 PhD awards

It is our great pleasure to announce this year’s PhD award recipients at the Department of Gender Studies. 

Advanced PhD Award Recipients 2024: Anita Prsa and Jessica Varela

First-Year PhD Award Recipient 2024: Ali Hashemian

Doctoral awards recognize outstanding performance in research in the case of advanced students, and in coursework and comprehensive exams in the case of first-year students. The awardees have been selected by the University Doctoral Committee.