Faculty News

Read Prof. Pető on the anti-liberal appropriation of the 1956 Hungarian revolution

February 10, 2025
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Prof. Pető has recently published on Verfassungsblog | On Matters Constitutional, a journalistic and academic forum of debate on topical events and developments in constitutional law and politics in Germany. 

Visiting Professor Adriana Qubaiova delivers keynote at the Historical Materialism Cluj-Napoca 2024

December 1, 2024
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In conversation with Volodymyr Ishchenko, Adriana Qubaiova delivered a keynote on “Bursting Polycrisis: Palestine and Ukraine in Perspective”. The discussion addressed the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Israel’s occupation of Palestine, including the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Both speakers reflected on the problematic comparisons between the two wars and how they impact Eastern and Central Europe.

Professor Emerita Francisca de Haan gives a keynote speech on the World Women’s Committee Against War and Fascism

November 21, 2024
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Francisca de Haan presents "Expanding Our Research Agenda: Women From the Region in the World Women’s Committee Against War and Fascism (WWCAWF, est. 1934)" as one of the keynote speakers at an international conference on "Feminisms and Politics in Interwar Balkans and East-Central Europe". The GENS Professor Emerita will present on November 28 at the University of Crete (Greece).

September 13: Boxing with Rocky

September 1, 2024
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In the loud and sticky atmosphere of the boxing gym, where boxers’ gloves slip down the sweaty shoulders of their training partners, where the drops of sweat are dispersed on mirrors, punching bags, and on the floors, where the sweat drips from the edges of boxers’ bodies and the sounds of heavy breathing, the sign of physical hardship, fill the air and the lungs of others, it became clear that to engage with the gendered embodied experience of boxing seriously means to open up the research to its sensuous reality.

Prof. Peto to CGTN Europe: "When reproductive rights are concerned there is never an easy solution"

April 26, 2024

GENS Faculty Andrea Peto speaks to CGTN Europe about Poland parliament's key vote which could eventually result in strict abortion rules being lifted.