Selected Alumnae and Alumni Profiles

Meet our Alumnus: Slaven Crnić

Slaven Crnić

Slaven Crnić is a postdoctoral researcher in the ERC project “REVENANT—Revivals of Empire: Nostalgia, Amnesia, Tribulation” (Grant agreement No. 101002908) at the Department of Cultural Studies, University of Rijeka. As part of “REVENANT”, his current research aims to explore the construction, contestation, and revival of (post)imperial places in Yugoslav travel writing. His project focuses on representations of places – such as capitals, ports, and vacation resorts – that once held utmost importance for imperial politics, commerce, and self-image.

Sarah Werner Boada

Sarah Werner Boada is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Warwick (UK). She earned her PhD in Comparative Gender Studies from CEU in 2021. After defending her PhD, she joined CEU as Visiting Faculty at the Department of Gender Studies, where she taught “Critical Approaches to Motherhood and Mothering” and supervised dissertations at the MA level, and the Roma Graduate Preparation Program (RGPP), where she tutored in Gender Studies.

Hedvika Janečková

Hedvika Janečková graduated with distinction from the Master’s degree programme in Critical Gender Studies (2-year MA, Applied Track) at Central European University (CEU) in 2016. 

Maryna Shevtsova

Maryna Shevtsova graduated with distinction from the Gender Studies MA program at CEU in 2013. She continued her studies in Ph.D. program in Political science at Humboldt University, Berlin, where she conducted research on LGBTIQ movements in Ukraine and Turkey. Based on her dissertation, Maryna's book  LGBTI politics and value change in Ukraine and Turkey: Exporting Europe? was published in Routledge in 2021. 

Redi Koobak

Redi Koobak is a feminist cultural studies scholar who specializes in critical studies of postcolonial and postsocialist Europe. Her expertise includes global perspectives on gender, race, and sexuality, visual and art activism, transnational feminism, and the intersections between postcolonial and postsocialist feminist theorizing and practice.