December 12, 2022

Maryna Shevtsova graduated with distinction from the Gender Studies MA program at CEU in 2013. She continued her studies in Ph.D. program in Political science at Humboldt University, Berlin, where she conducted research on LGBTIQ movements in Ukraine and Turkey. Based on her dissertation, Maryna's book LGBTI politics and value change in Ukraine and Turkey: Exporting Europe? was published in Routledge in 2021.
She is currently a Visiting Professor and Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and a Senior FWO Fellow at KU Leuven, Belgium. After defending her Ph.D., she was a Fulbright scholar (University of Florida) and a Swedish Institute Fellow (Lund University). She also held visiting fellowships with the Aleksanteri Institute, the University of Helsinki, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, and the Middle East Technical University, Ankara. Her most recent publications also include edited volumes LGBTQ+ Activism in Central and Eastern Europe. Resistance, Representation, and Identity (with Radzhana Buyantueva, Palgrave Macmillan 2019) and LGBTI Asylum Seekers and Refugees from a Legal and Political Perspective: Persecution, Asylum, and Integration (with Arzu Guler and Deniz Venturi, Springer, 2019).
Maryna Shevtsova is a co-founder of Equal Opportunities Platform, a Dnipro-based Ukrainian NGO working towards combatting discrimination and promoting gender equality. In 2022, she joined the board of AtGender, the European Feminist Research Network. She is also involved in three non-profit initiatives helping researchers from Ukraine: UGS - Ukrainian Global scholars, UGU, Ukrainian Global University, and ScienceforUkraine, for which she is the national coordinator in Slovenia. She is also a winner of the 2022´s Emma Goldman award for her engagement in feminist research and human rights activism.
Maryna Shevtsova is a co-founder of Equal Opportunities Platform, a Dnipro-based Ukrainian NGO working towards combatting discrimination and promoting gender equality. In 2022, she joined the board of AtGender, the European Feminist Research Network. She is also involved in three non-profit initiatives helping researchers from Ukraine: UGS - Ukrainian Global scholars, UGU, Ukrainian Global University, and ScienceforUkraine, for which she is the national coordinator in Slovenia. She is also a winner of the 2022´s Emma Goldman award for her engagement in feminist research and human rights activism.