Student Bulletin

Listen to the experiences of faculty and students of OSUN Course on Antisemitism, Holocaust, Colonialism, Gender

May 16, 2023
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The podcast shares the perspectives of faculty and students of OSUN Collaborative Network Course on Antisemitism, Holocaust, Colonialism, Gender. This collaborative OSUN network course addresses topics that are of urgent global importance in our era of continuing discrimination, forced migration, socially sanctioned violence – and war. It promotes new teaching and thinking about the relationships among four distinct, but overlapping, historical, cultural, and political phenomena: antisemitism, the Holocaust, colonialism, and gender.

GENS student Julia Gugerli participates in the first Workshop of the Erasmus+ Project "Learning for Peace“

April 21, 2023

The first Workshop of the Erasmus+ Project "Learning for Peace“ is a new inspiring project, led by Dr. Erzsebet Fanni Toth at SFU’s Faculty of Psychotherapy Science. Funded by Erasmus+, the aim of this international cooperation is to understand and utilize discourses of traumatic past in education for avoiding conflicts in the future. The first major event took place on March 23, 2023, at SFU Vienna. It hosted international experts from the fields of psychotherapy science, psychology, social sciences, and history.

PhD Candidate Shreya Bhat publishes ethnographic work on Nigerian migrant women returning from Libya

March 6, 2023
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PhD Candidate at our Department Shreya Bhat published the chapter "Fooled by a Mirage: Nigerian migrant women's 'voluntary' return from Libya and the IOM" in the book The Gender of Borders. Embodied Narratives of Migration, Violence and Agency. 

GENS recipients of the 2023 PhD awards

February 21, 2023
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It is our great pleasure to announce this year’s PhD award recipients at our Department.

Advanced PhD Award Recipients 2023: Olga KazakevichAngela Heredia Pineda

First-Year PhD Award Recipient 2023: Iva Radat

GENS Student Salma Yassine co-authors a chapter in the book Love and the Politics of Intimacy

February 13, 2023
Cover of Love and the Politics of Intimacy (2023)

Salma Yassine, our current student in the MA Critical Gender Studies program co-authored a book chapter titled "Liberating the Victorian politics of love through Jack the Lass and Anne Lister". The chapter was published by Bloomsbury Publishing in the book Love and the Politics of Intimacy (2023).