October 24, 2023

The online roundtable on "The role of global networks and actors in Latin American and Eastern Europe" will take place on Wednesday, November 29. Join Roman Kuhar (University of Ljubljana), Dorottya Rédai (Central European University/Labrisz Leszbikus Egyesület), and GENS Faculty Dorottya Szikra (Central European University) and Hadley Renkin (Central European University) for an exciting discussion of the role of global actors and networks in Latin American and Eastern European gender wars.
* This event is part of the AHRC-funded research network Gender Wars: East and South, which brings together an interdisciplinary network of scholars and artists of gender and sexuality across Latin America and Central Eastern Europe to examine the link between history, religion, sexuality, and gender under contemporary authoritarianisms. Gender Wars: East and South aims to document the similarities, differences, and connections between "anti-gender" movements across the two regions. More here.
Date: Wednesday, November 29
Time: 3:00 - 5:00 pm CET
Place: Online event