The European Commission's High-Level Group on the Future of Social Protection in Europe, of which our Visiting Professor Dorottya Szikra is a member, presents their Report in Brussels
The High-Level Group on the future of social protection and of the welfare state in the EU, of which Visiting Professor at the Department Dorottya Szikra is a member, presents its final report and recommendations, followed by a discussion with participants.
The expert group looked at ways to reinforce social protection both at national and European levels to respond for instance to demographic change, the impact of new forms of work, and the digital and green transitions.
The High-Level Group report sets out 21 recommendations to improve social protection systems and welfare states in six areas:
- support to children, young people and families
- ensuring inclusive social protection and lifelong learning
- supporting adequate income and high-quality long-term care in old age
- promoting inclusive and high-quality services
- ensuring sustainable financing for a resilient welfare state
- stepping up EU capacity to secure social protection in the future
The report provides useful insights that will inform and European and national policymakers, in parallel with the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights.