
Best Dissertation Award goes to Marianna Szczygielska, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

June 9, 2017
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The Department of Gender Studies proudly announces that PhD student, Marianna Szczygielska's thesis was chosen as one of the three best dissertations this year by the University Doctoral Committee.

Warm congratulations!

Gender & Peace Conference, 6-7 May 2017, Istanbul

May 19, 2017
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At the Peace and Gender conference organized by Sabanci University Gender 6-7 May, 2017  in Istanbul, Elissa Helms and Andrea Peto gave a paper and former, present and future students from Turkey attended. 

Conversations in the Digital Humanities

May 19, 2017

A series of public events organised by the Digital Humanities Initiative at Central European University (CEU) in 2016-2017.

The Digital Humanities Initiative is an 18-month preparatory project funded by the Humanities Initiative at CEU for mapping, taking inventory, and exploring existing Digital Humanities projects within CEU, and thinking through ways of strengthening such capacities in the future.

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