Recent Publications:
Volume Times of Mobility: Literature and Gender in Translation, co-edited with Sibelan Forrester and Borbala Farago (CEU Press, 2019)
Important Research Projects:
EUTERPE: European Literatures and Gender in Transnational Perspective (101073012 EUTERPE HORIZON-MSCA-2021-DN-01 Project, 2022-26)
Scherezade in Exile, a monograph on Dubravka Ugrešić. To be published in 2023.
"New Tools for Transnational Analysis in Postgraduate Intersectional Gender Research - Towards Long-Term International Collaborations in Doctoral and Postdoctoral Training", STINT project 2016-2019.
“Research Integration: Challenging Knowledge and Disciplinary Boundaries Through Integrative Research Methods in the Social Sciences and Humanities”, A STREP Project of the 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission, May 2004 – May 2006, (details on the project can be accessed on
Recent Course Offerings:
Traveling Concepts in Gender Studies, Ph.D course, 2 credits
Narrating Worlds, MA course, 4 credits
OSUN course Feminism and Community, 2 credits
Strategies of Reading, 2 credits