Olga Gnydiuk is curently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Central European University in the Project: ZARAH: Women’s labour activism in Eastern Europe and transnationally, from the age of empires to the late 20th century (ERC Advanced Grant; Project director: Susan Zimmermann).
She holds a Ph.D. in history from the European University Institute (Florence). Her dissertation “Who is a ‘Ukrainian’ child? UNRRA/IRO welfare workers and the politics of unaccompanied children of presumed Ukrainian origin in the aftermath of WWII (1945-1952)” examines the changing child care and child resettlement policies and practices developed by the social workers of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration and International Refugee Organization for Ukrainian unaccompanied displaced children at the time of post-1945 geopolitical transformations. Olga is currently turning her dissertation into a book manuscript and has published on child relief and rehabilitation, and post-war child migration. Her research interests include women's and gender history, history of welfare and social policies in Europe, children and childhood history, international cooperation and humanitarianism.