Faculty News

Co-edited book by GENS Faculty on the study of borders with text by GENS PhD alumnae

October 26, 2023
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The Department proudly announces a newly published collection from Manchester University Press, Borders of Desire: Gender and Sexuality at the Eastern Borders of Europe (2023), edited and with an introduction by GENS Faculty member Elissa Helms and Tuija Pulkkinen of the University of Helsinki.

November 29: Online roundtable on "Gender Wars: East and South" (with GENS Faculty)

October 24, 2023
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The online roundtable on "The role of global networks and actors in Latin American and Eastern Europe" will take place on Wednesday, November 29. Join Roman Kuhar (University of Ljubljana), Dorottya Rédai (Central European University/Labrisz Leszbikus Egyesület), and GENS Faculty Dorottya Szikra (Central European University) and Hadley Renkin (Central European University) for an exciting discussion of the role of g

Prof. Andrea Pető represents Austria in a COST Action on nationalisms and higher education

July 5, 2023
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Prof. Andrea Pető represents Austria in the COST Action "Rising nationalisms, shifting geopolitics and the future of European higher education/research openness (OPEN)". A COST Action is an interdisciplinary research network that brings researchers and innovators together to investigate a topic of their choice for 4 years. The referred action brings together an inter-disciplinary group of researchers to explore the shifting dynamics between the University, the nation-state and the European integration project.

Prof. Eszter Timár publishes the article MÈRE MÉTAPHORE in the prestigious journal Angelaki

April 17, 2023
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Eszter Timár, an assistant professor in our Department, published the article "MÈRE MÉTAPHORE. The maternal materiality of water in Astrida Neimanis’s bodies of water" in Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities. This journal welcomes texts working in the productive nexus in the disciplinary fields of literary criticism and theory, philosophy, and cultural studies. In her article, Prof.