Department Spotlights

Listen to the podcast "The Future of Gender Studies with Andrea Pető"

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Prof. Andrea Pető discusses illiberal forces, academic freedom, and attacks on gender studies in this episode of "gender & mehr – leicht gesagt!“. This podcast from The Coordination Centre for Gender Studies and Equal Opportunities at the University of Graz examines current research and debates on the subject of gender with an intersectional approach. 

Queer Feminist ArT & TrAns-Formations – A Workshop Series

March 18, 2023
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Queer Feminist ArT & TrAns-Formations – A Workshop Series on non-hegemonic Corpor(e)ality & Empowerment

Friday, March 31, 2023, 12:00 pm – 7:00 pm; Party: 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

One-day conference on Women in International History

March 17, 2023
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The Department of Gender Studies in cooperation with the Department of History at CEU invite you to join us for a one-day conference, Women in International History: A Panel in Honor of Francisca de Haan and a Book Launch.

CFP | Pelion Summer Lab 2023 “Eco/o/ontologies”

March 10, 2023
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This summer will take place the 5th Pelion Summer Lab for Cultural Theory and Experimental Humanities (PSL), an initiative of the Laboratory of Social Anthropology of the University of Thessaly, with the support of the Experimental Humanities Collaborative Network (EHCN). 

Grants for artistic work by migrants and BI-POC

February 24, 2023
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kültüř gemma! awards a 6-month’s fellowship at the Kultursommer Wien, an Open Air Festival, offering an extensive repertoire of different performing arts such as theatre, cabaret, dance, literature, contemporary circus, performance, and various music genres. kültüř gemma! is a project for the promotion of artistic work by migrants and BI-POC. They award free work scholarships and fellowships to Viennese cultural institutions every year. Check out more info here