Sarah Werner Boada

February 12, 2024

Sarah Werner Boada is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Warwick (UK). She earned her PhD in Comparative Gender Studies from CEU in 2021. After defending her PhD, she joined CEU as Visiting Faculty at the Department of Gender Studies, where she taught “Critical Approaches to Motherhood and Mothering” and supervised dissertations at the MA level, and the Roma Graduate Preparation Program (RGPP), where she tutored in Gender Studies.

She first joined the Department of Sociology at the University of Warwick as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow (EUTOPIA-SIF COFUND) in September 2022 and then permanently as an Assistant Professor in December 2023. At Warwick, she teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses about gender and race/coloniality from a global perspective. She is a member of the University of Warwick’s Centre for the Study of Women and Gender (CSWG) Collective and Borders, Race, Ethnicity and Migration (BREM) Network, as well as the co-founder of the Radical Mothering Research Collective.

Prior to enrolling into her PhD programme at CEU, Sarah worked in the non-profit sector in the fields of gender violence and children’s rights, in collaboration with international organisations such as the Council of Europe, UN Women, and the Inter-Parliamentary Union. Her PhD thesis revisited the Spanish legal and policy framework to tackle gender violence, known as one of the best models of intervention worldwide, from the minoritised perspectives of Romani women. She showed how a law designed to protect women from violence ironically relied on similar abusive patterns to the ones deployed at the interpersonal level in its implementation. She is in the process of turning her thesis into a monograph, in which she critically interrogates the coercive nature of gender violence policy standards as inherited from European modern ideology. She is also currently conducting research on institutional decisions to remove children from Romani and Traveller families.

Halfway through her PhD journey, Sarah gave birth to her daughter Angela, who got to explore all three CEU campuses in Budapest and Vienna, as a baby and then as a toddler.