Listen to Prof. Andrea Pető's participation on the podcast White Picket Fence on women's freedom in Hungary
Professor in our department Andrea Pető shares her expertise and insight on Orban's attacks on academia and women's freedom in Hungary in the podcast White Picket Fence. See below the theme of the episode and listen to it here.
"In the summer of 2022, Hungary's prime minister, Viktor Orban, flew to Texas to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Onstage, his tirades against immigration, gender studies, and LGBTQ rights were met with roars of approval. Orban has made it his mission to codify traditional family values into law—and dismantle democracy in the process. American conservatives are taking note. And paving the way for these extremist policies is a group of social media "momfluencers" touting the glory of traditional family life. Are Moms for Liberty and #tradwives the harbingers of a backslide when it comes to women’s rights...and American democracy?"