May 27, 2020
- "Nach 1989: ein virtuelle Roundtable. Osteuropa- und Geschlechterforscherinnen im Gespräch mit Bozena Chołuj und Claudia Kraft (2017)," in: Politik – Theorie – Erfahrung. 30 Jahre feministische Geschichtswissenschaft im Gespräch. Ingrid Bauer, Christa Hämmerle, Claudia Opitz-Belakhal (eds.) 2020, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen L'Homme Schriften. - Band 026. 327-328.
Andrea Pető, “A gender history of Hungarian intelligence services during the Cold War”, Journal of Intelligence History (2020). Published online: 5 June 2020.
- Publication from the Conference "Cult of Heroes in Central Europe from the 1880s to the Second World War." The conference was organized by Andrea Pető, Eszter Balázs, and Clara Royer and took place 12-13 November 2010 in Budapest, and 25-26 November 2011 in Paris in collaboration with the CEU Department of History in association with CEU Pasts Inc., Center for Historical Studies, and the CEU Department of Gender Studies, in cooperation with the Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Central Europe (CIRCE), a branch of the Research Centre on Central, Eastern and Balkan cultures and literatures (CRECOB) of the Paris‐Sorbonne University, the Institute of Polish Culture of the Warsaw University, and the Institute of History from the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV).
- Special issue : Culte de héros en Europe Centrale (1880-1945), ed. Eszter Balázs and Clara Royer, Etudes et Travaux (2019); with a contribution by Andrea Pető, “Les héroïnes improbables de l’extrême-droite: Genre et mouvements politiques dans la Hongrie de l’entre-deux-guerres. ”
- Andrea Pető, “Parallel Stories: The Rise of the Far-Right Women’s Movements in the 1930s and 2010s,” in Back to the ‘30s? Recurring Crises of Capitalism, Liberalism, and Democracy Editors: Rayner, J., Falls, S., Souvlis, G., Nelms, T.C. Palgrave Macmillan:
- Andrea Pető, “A ‘Small, Local Difficulty’ is going Global? The Fight for Academic Freedom in Hungary,” in Meltem Kulaçatan and Harry Harun Behr (eds.) Migration, Religion, Gender und Bildung Beiträge zu einem erweiterten Verständnis von Intersektionalität (Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2020), 149-157.