Giavana Margo's research report on gender-based discrimination in the Russian Federation

March 5, 2016

CEU Gender Studies Department is proud to present the report written by Giavana Margo, an M.A. Candidate in Critical Gender Studies at the Gender Studies Department at CEU. 

Giavana has completed an internship with the Andrey Rylkov Foundation in Moscow, Russia as a women’s rights specialist. Within this capacity, she researched and wrote a CEDAW shadow report on gender-based discrimination towards women who use drugs in the Russian Federation, which was approved by the CEDAW committee. The report examined several key areas of discrimination facing women who use drugs: discrimination within the criminal justice system, state promoted stigma associated with stereotypical understanding of maternity as a social function, access barriers to drug treatment and rehabilitation services, and HIV prevention services, and access barriers to reproductive health services. The passage of the CEDAW shadow report is an important step in reforming drug policy and gender-based inequality in the Russian Federation.

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